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BEHIND-THE-SCENES EXCLUSIVE | Get a behind-the-scenes look at the Stand Courageous conference with insights from Tony Perkins, General Jerry Boykin, and other Stand Courageous Speakers.
A MESSAGE FROM TONY PERKINS & GENERAL BOYKIN | Receive this request from Tony Perkins & General Boykin for your important role as a pastor or ministry leader to invite the men in your church and community to the Stand Courageous Men’s Conference.
THE ROLE OF THE LOCAL CHURCH | Check out this conversation among Mark Stermer, Darryl Smith, & Scott Bledsoe; three pastors who experienced unity within their churches as they joined together for the Stand Courageous men’s conference, and what impact it had on their local community.
A TIME OF MINISTRY: TONY PERKINS & GENERAL BOYKIN | Hear how you can play a key role through this personal invitation from Tony Perkins & General Boykin as we plan for the ministry that will occur at this conference as we pray for the Spirit of God to move in the hearts and minds of men.
A PASTOR’S ROLE | Listen as Randy Wilson & Mark Stermer discuss the role of pastors who partner with Stand Courageous and unite as Kingdom-building churches in the local community.