Week of Monday November 4 – November 10
Ultimate Avenger - Man as Defender

“And in that day the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the streambeds of Judah shall flow with water; and a fountain shall come forth from the house of the Lord and water the Valley of Shittim. Egypt shall become a desolation and Edom a desolate wilderness, for the violence done to the people of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in their land. But Judah shall be inhabited forever, and Jerusalem to all generations. I will avenge their blood, blood I have not avenged, for the Lord dwells in Zion.” - Joel 3:18-21 ESV

When Americans hear the word “avenger,” they usually think of a superhero in a colorful costume on the big screen. Well, the avenger that the prophet Joel is talking about is not some guy or gal with a superpower who is a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. No, He is Almighty God, and He has His own “MCU” as the Master of the Created Universe!

In chapter 3, Joel fast-forwards us into the future, to the ultimate Day of the Lord—a Day of Judgment on the nations that oppose His chosen people and a Day of Deliverance for Israel. While He will renew and refresh the land of Israel, God Himself will become the “Ultimate Avenger” of the innocent blood shed by Israel’s enemies. In the end times, God will suit up for battle and wage war against those who seek to destroy His chosen people. He will win, and they will lose.

At the dawn of the American War for Independence, this Scripture was on the heart of Rev. Jonas Clark. He served in Lexington, Massachusetts, as the pastor of most of the 60 or so brave men, mostly farmers and shopkeepers, who stood on the town green to face the British on April 19, 1775. They were outnumbered initially by more than four to one, and although the courage of the American patriots was commendable, the outcome of that first engagement of the war was predictable. The British steamrolled the inferior American force, leaving eight dead and 10 wounded, and then pushed on toward neighboring Concord, which housed American munitions. Yet the battle turned at the old North Bridge, and the patriots of Concord chased the British back through Lexington, where the men of Lexington laid down withering fire on the British during their retreat to Boston. When the smoke cleared, the patriots had won the day against a superior military force.

A year later, Rev. Clark
preached from this very text in Joel 3, calling on God to take on the role of avenger in their bloody war with Great Britain. As he concluded, Clark gave a fitting tribute to the brave men from his church:

Yonder field can witness the innocent blood of our brethren slain! ... But they bleed, they die, not in their own cause only; but in the cause of this whole people—in the cause of God, their country and posterity.—And they have not bled, they shall not bleed in vain.—Surely there is One that avengeth, and that will plead the cause of the injured and oppressed; and in his own way and time, will both cleanse and avenge their innocent blood.—And the names of Munroe, Parker, and others, that fell victims to the rage of blood-thirsty oppressors, on that gloomy morning, shall be had in grateful remembrance, by the people of this land, and transmitted to posterity, with honour and respect, throughout all generations … May those that were wounded, and have since experienced the tender mercy of that God … [b]e deeply impressed with a sense of his distinguishing goodness, that their lives were spared, while others were taken; and be persuaded, more entirely than ever, to devote them to God, his service and glory… And a merciful God, in various instances, hath crowned our arms with success and victory.

On this Veteran’s Day, let us warmly and meaningfully express our gratefulness to everyone who has worn the uniform of the United States military. I salute those Defenders and their families who also make incredible sacrifices as they serve. May they inspire us as men to take up our God-given role as Defenders in our homes and communities.

Are you teaching your family about Veterans Day? Check out these talking points at StandCourageous.com/VeteransDay.
- How are you exercising your role as Defender to protect your family and friends? What can you do to step up?
- Pray and ask God to bless all those who serve and have served, as well as their families.