Week of March 3 – March 9
In the Pit – Man as Battle Buddy
So they took Jeremiah and cast him into the cistern of Malchiah, the king's son, which was in the court of the guard, letting Jeremiah down by ropes. And there was no water in the cistern, but only mud, and Jeremiah sank in the mud. - Jeremiah 38:6 ESV
Have you ever heard the saying, “I’m up to my armpits in alligators”? Well, Jeremiah was up to his armpits all right—up to his armpits in mud. And he got there by just simply being obedient to God. Jeremiah told His people the truth, but they charged him with treason and condemned him to death. They lowered him into a cistern filled with mud, leaving him to die.
Can you imagine being submerged up to your armpits in mud, cold and in the dark, with no way out? Have you ever been in a situation in your life that felt similar to what Jeremiah endured? Feeling like you were deep down in a pit with no hope? It makes us wonder what Jeremiah was thinking and what he was praying.
God answered and delivered Jeremiah in an unusual and wonderful way through Ebed-melech, an unlikely Battle Buddy (verse 7). The name Ebed-melech means “servant of the king.” He was an Ethiopian, not a Jew. He may have immigrated to Judah or been taken prisoner and turned into a servant to King Zedekiah, the same king who allowed Jeremiah to be thrown into the pit. Yet he interceded with the king on Jeremiah’s behalf in verses 8-9:
Ebed-melech went from the king’s house and said to the king, “My lord the king, these men have done evil in all that they did to Jeremiah the prophet by casting him into the cistern, and he will die there of hunger, for there is no bread left in the city.”
Ebed-melech feared God and had compassion on the man of God. As we continue reading in the book of Jeremiah, we see that God rewarded him for his actions. Interestingly, a God-fearing Ethiopian eunuch was among the first converts to Christianity as a result of Philip’s mission in the book of Acts (see 8:26–39), and many Ethiopians continue to be strong believers to this day. I wonder if you can trace those amazing blessings back to Ebed-melech.
Regardless, we read on that King Zedekiah, who seemed to be easily swayed by everyone except Jeremiah, acquiesced in verse 10: “‘Take thirty men with you from here, and lift Jeremiah the prophet out of the cistern before he dies.” So, Ebed-melech executed a daring and determined effort to rescue Jeremiah from the muddy pit and took care of him, literally saving his life (verses 11–13).
What can we learn from this? First, obeying God often comes at the price of rejection and even persecution. That was Jeremiah’s experience. We shouldn’t be surprised when this happens to us; Jesus said it would happen (John 15:20).
Second, God places people (sometimes unlikely people) in strategic places to come alongside and help us at just the right moment—Battle Buddies like Ebed-melech who will get down in the pit with us and help us get out.
Third, we must look with eyes of faith if we are going to see what God is doing through His servants sent to assist us. Better yet, be that “Ebed-melech” for another man who may be down in the pit.
Finally, don’t despair when you find yourself in the pit. Pray for God to send His help. In His time, He will. So, keep praying and watching for that Battle Buddy. Indeed, if all human help fails, the true “Ebed-melech,” the Servant King, Jesus Himself, is coming. Hope and help are on the way!
- When you found yourself in a proverbial “pit” and cried out to God for help, did He send you another guy friend, a Battle Buddy, to come alongside to help you? Consider deepening that relationship.
- Have you served as an Ebed-melech, a Battle Buddy helping another guy out of his pit? Look for that man in need and be his Battle Buddy.
- Give God gratitude for the Ebed-melechs he has sent to help you and ask Him to show you that guy who needs your help in Jesus’ name.
In the Pit – Man as Battle Buddy
So they took Jeremiah and cast him into the cistern of Malchiah, the king's son, which was in the court of the guard, letting Jeremiah down by ropes. And there was no water in the cistern, but only mud, and Jeremiah sank in the mud. - Jeremiah 38:6 ESV
Have you ever heard the saying, “I’m up to my armpits in alligators”? Well, Jeremiah was up to his armpits all right—up to his armpits in mud. And he got there by just simply being obedient to God. Jeremiah told His people the truth, but they charged him with treason and condemned him to death. They lowered him into a cistern filled with mud, leaving him to die.
Can you imagine being submerged up to your armpits in mud, cold and in the dark, with no way out? Have you ever been in a situation in your life that felt similar to what Jeremiah endured? Feeling like you were deep down in a pit with no hope? It makes us wonder what Jeremiah was thinking and what he was praying.
God answered and delivered Jeremiah in an unusual and wonderful way through Ebed-melech, an unlikely Battle Buddy (verse 7). The name Ebed-melech means “servant of the king.” He was an Ethiopian, not a Jew. He may have immigrated to Judah or been taken prisoner and turned into a servant to King Zedekiah, the same king who allowed Jeremiah to be thrown into the pit. Yet he interceded with the king on Jeremiah’s behalf in verses 8-9:
Ebed-melech went from the king’s house and said to the king, “My lord the king, these men have done evil in all that they did to Jeremiah the prophet by casting him into the cistern, and he will die there of hunger, for there is no bread left in the city.”
Ebed-melech feared God and had compassion on the man of God. As we continue reading in the book of Jeremiah, we see that God rewarded him for his actions. Interestingly, a God-fearing Ethiopian eunuch was among the first converts to Christianity as a result of Philip’s mission in the book of Acts (see 8:26–39), and many Ethiopians continue to be strong believers to this day. I wonder if you can trace those amazing blessings back to Ebed-melech.
Regardless, we read on that King Zedekiah, who seemed to be easily swayed by everyone except Jeremiah, acquiesced in verse 10: “‘Take thirty men with you from here, and lift Jeremiah the prophet out of the cistern before he dies.” So, Ebed-melech executed a daring and determined effort to rescue Jeremiah from the muddy pit and took care of him, literally saving his life (verses 11–13).
What can we learn from this? First, obeying God often comes at the price of rejection and even persecution. That was Jeremiah’s experience. We shouldn’t be surprised when this happens to us; Jesus said it would happen (John 15:20).
Second, God places people (sometimes unlikely people) in strategic places to come alongside and help us at just the right moment—Battle Buddies like Ebed-melech who will get down in the pit with us and help us get out.
Third, we must look with eyes of faith if we are going to see what God is doing through His servants sent to assist us. Better yet, be that “Ebed-melech” for another man who may be down in the pit.
Finally, don’t despair when you find yourself in the pit. Pray for God to send His help. In His time, He will. So, keep praying and watching for that Battle Buddy. Indeed, if all human help fails, the true “Ebed-melech,” the Servant King, Jesus Himself, is coming. Hope and help are on the way!
- When you found yourself in a proverbial “pit” and cried out to God for help, did He send you another guy friend, a Battle Buddy, to come alongside to help you? Consider deepening that relationship.
- Have you served as an Ebed-melech, a Battle Buddy helping another guy out of his pit? Look for that man in need and be his Battle Buddy.
- Give God gratitude for the Ebed-melechs he has sent to help you and ask Him to show you that guy who needs your help in Jesus’ name.