Week of Monday July 15 – July 21
Hear My Cry – Man as Chaplain

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. For you, God, have heard my vows; you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name. Increase the days of the king’s life, his years for many generations. May he be enthroned in God’s presence forever; appoint your love and faithfulness to protect him. Then I will ever sing in praise of your name and fulfill my vows day after day. - Psalm 61:1-8 ESV

I came across a 
story about a dear friend of mine that I had not heard, and it came with a powerful lesson:

Late one night, a man in Slim Cornett’s church was showing Slim around a county airport in rural Mississippi. “This switch lights up the runway,” the man said as he flipped it. “Then, let’s say there is a plane in distress up there. I would throw this switch and turn on the search lights.” As the night skies lit up, a small plane materialized out of the darkness and landed. Slim and his friend watched in amazement as Franklin Graham, son of the famous evangelist, stepped off the plane. The pilot had been flying Franklin back to school in Texas when the electrical system shut down, leaving them stranded in the Mississippi night without lights or radio or any means of guidance. From out of nowhere, the search beam had come on and guided them to the landing strip. As Franklin’s mother, Ruth, tells the story, earlier that evening before they left home, Billy Graham had prayed for the Father to protect and guide his son and the pilot.

That story about my friend Franklin Graham caused me to reflect. How many times did I go downrange into harm’s way only to return home and find out that my dear mother had been crying out to the Lord for me, that God would protect and guide me through all the difficulties she sensed I was experiencing? I believe I am alive today because of her prayers and God’s presence.

Whether this psalm refers to David’s wilderness years running from Saul before he came to the throne of Israel or his brief exile from the throne during the rebellion of Absalom, one thing is for sure. David cried out to the Lord with all his being. The book of Psalms rings out with desperate pleas to a faithful God, who, regardless of the circumstance, brought deliverance and peace to the life of a man after God’s own heart. From early morning to late at night, from his youth until his last breath, David was sure about one thing: God heard his cry!
These words serve as a lasting reminder to always turn to the Lord when we are in trouble and encourage those who look to us for leadership to do so as well. There is a God in heaven who sees, knows, and will respond to the needs of our lives! Yes, sometimes it seems as if we are flying blind and there is no hope in sight as we endure trials and difficulties and try to help our families navigate the same. But men, remember this: wherever we are and whatever we face, the Lord we serve will answer us when we pray. We must model that confident dependence on God with those we love and lead. He hears our cry!

When you find yourself in trouble, what is your first response? Do you cry out to God?
- Does your prayer life reflect the absolute trust in God that you desire for your children and grandchildren?
- Ask God to help you develop a deeper dependence on Him in prayer and model that for those you lead.