Week of Monday December 30 – January 5
Father of our Future – Man as Chaplain

“[R]emember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose[.]’” - Isaiah 46:9-10 ESV

The end of a year and the beginning of a new one is always a good opportunity for reflection. Looking back over the past year, with all of its struggles and challenges as well as victories and triumphs, is a fruitful exercise, especially in view of God’s amazing grace and providence. The older I get, the more I take comfort in God’s sovereignty over everything—including every stage of my life.

A few verses in Isaiah 46 have become more meaningful as I am nearing the finish line: “Listen to me, O house of Jacob, all the remnant of the house of Israel, who have been borne by me from before your birth, carried from the womb; even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save” (verses 3-4). God has certainly carried me from the womb, even to gray hairs and old age, through some really rough patches, and all I can do is thank and praise Him!

As I read Isaiah 46, I was reminded once again about the nature of God—the fact that He is not only the Creator but also the One who holds the future. In verse 9, God reminds us that He is unique and sovereign. There is no one like Him. As we enter a New Year, we can find peace in knowing that the God who created and holds the universe together is the same Heavenly Father who holds our future.

In verse 10, Isaiah reminds us that God has declared the end from the beginning. God knows what the future holds because He has already planned it out to eternity. This truth can bring us great comfort as we face the uncertainties and unknowns of the coming year. We can trust that nothing surprises God, and we can be certain that He is in control. He is literally the Father of our future.

Additionally, we read in verse 10 that God's purposes will stand, and He will accomplish all that He pleases. This assurance means that no matter what happens in the New Year, God's plans for us are good and will ultimately prevail. We can rest in His promises and His perfect will.

As a Chaplain, it is good to keep these profound and comforting truths about God in the minds of those you love and lead. Spend some time recalling how God has been faithful over the past year and encourage them to trust Him for the challenges in the future. Urge them to allow these memories of God’s faithfulness to strengthen their faith as they step into the New Year, trusting that the same loving Heavenly Father who carried us through before will be with us through the struggles ahead.

In your role as a spiritual leader, encourage those you influence to make realistic resolutions and set reachable goals in spending daily time with the Lord, deepening their knowledge of God in His Word, praying to Him frequently, always seeking His forgiveness and guidance and pursuing His plans and purposes. Remind them that God knows the future and what is best for them. Consequently, when they face uncertainties or challenges, they can rest in the fact that their loving Heavenly Father is in control. His purposes will stand, and He will accomplish His will in their lives. As they enter this New Year, they can have great confidence in the Father of our future.

- As you survey the past year, what are some spiritual markers of God’s faithful provision and providence, His intervention and deliverance in your life that you could share with those you love and lead?
- What are some realistic resolutions and reachable goals you could set to deepen your walk with the Lord? (The best recommendation I can make is to join us for our daily Bible reading plan, Stand on the Word.)
- Ask the Lord to help you lead your family to a place of greater trust and confidence in Almighty God, the “Father our future.”